Matching Packaging Materials and Packaging Material Priority
1. Packaging Material Matching
- When the product in the outbound order is “ready to ship”, the system will not automatically match the packaging materials no matter how many products are sent at one time;
- When the outbound product=1, use the size and weight of the product itself to calculate the freight;
- When the outbound product is more than 1, the total volume of the outbound order will calculate a minimum order volume according to the calculation logic of the system, and the weight is the sum of the weights of all products in the outbound order;
- When the product in the outbound order is “packaging needed”, the warehouse needs to select the specified packaging material for this SKU. If the default packaging material is not set, the system will not automatically match the packaging material;
- When the outbound product=1, if the default packaging material is set in the warehouse, the default packaging material will be brought out;
- When the outbound product is >1, the system will not automatically match the packaging material, and the warehouse needs to set the packaging material for multiple products. You can click the link to view the operation manual for setting packaging materials for products: “How to set up packaging material matching rules” .
2. Packaging Material matching priority
The system matching packaging materials are prioritized in the following order: the packaging material specified in the shipping automation rules > the packaging material specified on the product page > the size calculated by the system;
- If the packaging material cannot be matched, other packaging materials with a lower priority will not be matched.
- If the packaging material cannot be matched, and the customer chooses warehouse selection, the delivery order cannot be successfully submitted.
- If the customer selects upload shipping label or no shipping service, the order can be successfully submitted but cannot be picked..