How to operate inventory management?

I. Inventory view

With inbound and outbound operations, the warehouse inventory will be automatically updated, as well as the ability to view inbound inventory, cross-docking inventory, and inventory activity logs.

1. View product inventory and inventory logs: Query through SKU and location

1.1 View inventory by SKU: This feature allows you to see the inventory number for each SKU in various storage locations.

1.2 View inventory by location:  View the stock of various SKUs at each location.

1.3 Stock change log: View the inventory activity of each SKU;


The “picking cache area” is the inventory data that the SKU has not completed in the picking process. The inventory on this location cannot be manually modified or adjusted. 

The “cut-off storage” area is the inventory data in the outbound order canceled by this SKU after picking. The inventory in this location can be picked up and moved to the storage.

2. View cross-dock inventory and cross-dock change logs

II. Inventory Management

2.1 Inventory Updates

WMS inventory can temporarily be synchronized to Amazon, eBay, shopify, and wayfair four stores;


Steps: Stock by SKU>Inventory updates>Update selected products: Inventory data will be synchronized to the  online store based on the most recent data; 


Steps: Stock by SKU>Inventory updates>Last update result: You can download the last inventory data table updated to the store;

2.2 Inventory adjustment

Inventory adjustments are generally applied to:

After the inventory, the actual inventory is inconsistent with the system inventory;

Inventory data that already exists in the warehouse before using the system needs to be added manually;

Step 1: Inventory > Product Inventory > Check the SKU whose inventory needs to be adjusted > Inventory Adjustment .

Step 2: Inventory > Product Inventory > Inventory Adjustment > Add New > Select SKU and fill in the location and stock quantity to be adjusted > Confirm > OK, I understand.

III) Inventory Transfer

Steps: Inventory > Product Inventory > Check the SKUs that need to be moved > Move > Select the target location and fill in the quantity to be moved > Confirm > Confirm the quantity to be moved again > OK, I understand.

IV) Import and export inventory


When importing inventory, if the OMS SKU and the location of the two records are exactly the same, the system will only import the first record successfully;

Upload (import): Instead of adding to the existing inventory, the inventory before the system will be overwritten with the inventory number in the table;

Bulk import inventory:

Steps: Inventory > Product Inventory > Import > Download System Template and Fill > Select Upload


Batch export inventory: export the inventory data at this point in time, you can export the inventory number of the selected SKU, and you can also export the inventory number of all SKUs;

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