Modify product information: Product Management> Standalone/bundle product> go to drop-down list> Edit
Print the SKU bar code: Product Management> Standalone/bundle product> go to drop-down list> Click print the SKU bar code. If you need to show the product’s country of origin on the SKU barcode, select “Display Country of Origin”.
Bulk Action: Product Management> Standalone/bundle product> Select SKUs> Click Bulk Action drop down list to perform the following: Approve product, Archive unused SKUs, Delete and Set Packing Material
Export products: Product Management> Standalone/bundle product> Go to Export drop down list and select “Export Standalone items”
Export Inventory History: Product Management> Standalone/bundle product> Go to Export drop down list and select “Export Inventory History”
Update products in bulk: follows the same process as bulk product imports, but keeps the original SKU in the system and fills in other information, such as required information and information that needs to be updated. All other data, except SKU, will be overwritten by the most recent information in the table after import.