Steps: Product>Standalone>Create Product> Create standalone product> Check the warehouse where the products will appear> Fill in the product information, fields with a red * is required (SKU, name, product size and weight are required); if there is an international order shipping requirement. You must fill in the information required for customs declaration.
1. OMS-related products must be entered from OMS. Otherwise, after the items are entered from the WMS port, they will be assigned to the warehouse’s products, and OMS users will no longer be able to perform incoming and outgoing operations on the products.
2. When entering the product size unit, pay close attention to the shipping calculation logic.
If the unit of the SKU size is cm, the size will be rounded up every time it is converted, and each side will be rounded up and then multiplied.
For example: SKU size: 70cm*30cm*13cm, weight 2.8kg, volume weight is 194. 70 cm = 27.5591 inches, rounded up, converted to in: 28 in*12 in*6 in, and the billable weight for the order is 11lbs
3. For the same OMS product, if you want to use it in multiple warehouses, you can select multiple warehouse accounts on the product creation page to achieve synchronization, there is no need to create it again; or when importing the form to create a SKU, check multiple warehouses to import to achieve the created SKU and use it in multiple warehouses. If the created product needs to be synchronized to another warehouse, check the warehouse account on the product edit page. The premise of the two operations is that the OMS account needs to be an OMS customer of the warehouse account