1. Inventory view

Warehouse inventory will be automatically updated with the activity of inbound and outbound records. Inbound inventory, transfer inventory, and inventory history can also be viewed by going to Stock changelog

Inbound inventory can be queried through SKU and location:

View inventory by SKU: Inventory data is displayed on the based on SKU, which is convenient for viewing the inventory number of each SKU in different locations;;

View inventory by location: Inventory data is displayed based on location, which makes it easy to view the inventory number of different SKUs in each location;;

Inventory history: view the inventory change records of each SKU;


“Pick Cache” is the unfinished inventory data of this SKU in the picking process, and the inventory on this location cannot be manually modified or adjusted.

The “cut-off storage area” is the inventory data in the outbound order cancelled after the SKU is picked. The inventory on the location is only allowed to be transferred out, and other adjustments and operations cannot be performed.

1.1 Check Inbound inventory

1.2 Check the Cross Dock inventory

2. Inventory management

2.1 Stock synchronization

WMS inventory can be synchronized to Amazon, eBay, and shopify temporarily. Check SKU-Inventory synchronization-update selected inventory: inventory data will be synchronized to the store according to the latest data; check SKU-inventory synchronization-last update result: Yes Download the inventory data sheet last updated to the store;

2.2 Inventory adjustment

Steps: inventory adjustment-select customer-product sku-location-type-change quantity-date-remarks;

Inventory adjustments are generally applied to:

1. The actual inventory is inconsistent with the system inventory after the inventory;

2. Inventory data that already exists in the warehouse before using the system, which needs to be added manually;

2.3 Inventory Transfer

Transfer SKU from one location to another: Inventory Transfer-select Client- Product SKU- original location- Inventory Type- Target location-date- remarks

2.4 Import and export inventory

Import: Add new imported data to the original inventory data;

Export inventory in batches: Export inventory data at this point in time, you can export the inventory number of the selected SKU, or export the inventory number of all SKUs;